I am a job market candidate majored in finance at UCSD, Rady School of Management. My research interest inlcudes empirical and theoretical asset pricing, and macro finance.
Email: jug027@ucsd.edu
CV .
Ph.D. in Finance, 2023 (expected)
University of California San Diego
M.S. in Finance
University of California San Diego
B.S. in Statistics
University of Science and Technology of China, School of gifted young
Granular Asset Pricing (Job Market Paper)
Fiscal Imbalances, Foreign Account Imbalances, and Asset Returns
(with Rossen Valkanov, and Yan Xu)
Estimate Conditional Correlation with Factor Structure
* paper latest version .
MGTF404: Financial Econometrics and Empirical Method
MGTF 403: Advanced Financial Risk Management
MGTF 411: Stochastic Calculus and Continous Time Finance